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Branding Settings

The various branding setting options within your WCP control panel.

Updated over 5 years ago

Branding Settings

The features allow you to white label the control panel for your clients, manage the default settings and templates used for customer sites, and more.


1. Login to your WCP control panel.

Note: You can view our topic on logging into WCP if you need help with this step.

2. You will then be brought to the Account Manager screen. Click on ‘Branding Settings’.

Note: If you are logged in but not on this Account Manage page then click the drop-down on the top-right of the page and choose ‘Account Manager’.

3. Once you have opened the Branding settings menu you will be presented with 5 Tabs.

Below we will be covering each tab individually.


The General tab contains basic aesthetic settings for branding your domain.

  1. Control Panel URL - This will be the URL that your VPS or Reseller Account will utilize for re-branded client access to WCP control panel.

  2. FavIcon Image - This will be the URL to the image you would like to set as your FavIcon.

  3. Logo URL - Specify the URL of the asset file (your logo image file) visitors will see in the top left of their dashboard.

  4. iPhone Logo URL (169x35) - Specify the URL of the asset file you wish visitors to see when utilizing the WCP dashboard management App for iPhone.

  5. Holding Page - Specify the URL of the page you wish your client’s site be directed to when there is no content in their domain.

  6. Suspended Site Redirect URL - Specify the URL of the page you wish the client’s site to be directed to in the event that you suspend their services.

  7. Pre-Propagation Domain - This setting will determine the pre-propagation (testing URL) that is applied to your reseller client’s accounts. When set to “Default” the testing URL produced for all of your client domains will use the following structure conventions ( When this option is set to your domain name, then your client’s testing URLs will be instead set to (

  8. API AuthPass - This field allows you to input your Authkey to allow for integration with WHMCS and your Control Panel.

  9. Account Email From Address - This will be the email address that email sent from your control panel will be sent from.

  10. Email Signature - This will be the signature that is included from any email sent from your Control Panel.

Click ‘Save’ to save any changes you make on this page.


This will be the area of your control panel that you will set your custom nameservers. Place a checkmark next to “Use Custom Nameservers” to enable the ability to add your custom nameservers.

Once you have input the custom nameserver just click save to set these nameservers for your clients domains.


This tab will allow you to set links that will appear at the bottom of your control panel interface for your customers.

Permission Template

 This tab will allow you to set which functions will be available to your clients by default. To enable this feature click the “Use Customer Permission Template” checkbox.

Once checked an additional box will open that lists all of the functions available to your client, to which you would just click the boxes that you wish to enable for the customer. Once finished click save to apply.

Account Information Template

This tab allows you to edit the email that will be sent to your customer. This will define the structure of the emails generated and sent to your client’s when their domain is created. If you wish to add additional details or instructions to your clients, you can edit the contents to reflect your desired format. Additionally, this section utilizes special Place-Holder variables within the text which are used to place the values of the newly created account. These placeholders are denoted by the use of the “[]” around the variable name. These variables can also be moved around, removed, or specified multiple time to generate the email form structure you would prefer.

Listed below are some of the variables:

[DOMAIN] - This will be the name of the domain attached to the created package.
[SERVER_NAME] - This will be the name of the server that the domain resides on.
[DNS_PRIMARY] & [DNS_SECONDARY] - These will list the default or specified nameserver’s assigned to the domain.
[FTP_IP] - The hostname/IP for FTP services.
[FTP_USERNAME] - The name of the default ftp user created when the package is generated.
[FTP_PASSWORD] - The password of the default FTP user.
[PRE_PROP_URL] - The pre-propagation url for the newly created domain package.

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