We currently offer ColdFusion 2018 as an option for any new ColdFusion VPS or Shared orders. If you have an existing account and would like to be moved to be moved to a server with ColdFusion 2018 a request would just need to be made with our support team.
ColdFusion 2018 New Features
ColdFusion 2018 boasts many new features with a focus on Insights, streamlined development, and added API extensibility. Combined these prove to increase code execution up to 30% faster in some cases.
Please Note: Coldfusion 2018 come bundled with Java 10.
ColdFusion 2018 Insight Features
Server Monitor - Allowing you to track activity and information about your server including requests, queries, errors, and memory usage. In addition to giving you tools to start and stop collecting server information as well as take snapshots of the server. You can find additional information on the Server Monitor here.
Code Profiler - Within the new Performance Monitoring Toolset is the Code Profiler. This feature allows you to profile your CFML template all the way to the lowest level of granularity. You can see the flow of code and exactly how long the code took to complete. You can find more information on the Code Profiler here.
Database Monitor - Find out if your database is affecting your application performance. Now with the ability to monitor all database queries, transactions, and the query cache visually as well as getting pre-determined or customized alerts allowing you to take preventative or corrective actions. You can find more on Database monitoring here.
Automatic Connector Tuning - Get rid of 503 Service Unavailable errors by utilizing the Performance Monitoring Toolset to adjust connector settings on the fly based on incoming traffic. Find more information about the Auto Connector Tuning here
External Services Monitor - With the Performance Monitoring Toolset you can now lock in on external services (file system, mail server, LDAP, transfer protocols, web services, etc…) that could be slowing down performance for your application. You can find more information on External Services Monitoring here.
Distributed Cache - You can now improve performance and augment scalability by utilizing the built-in support for three popular industry engines (JCS, Memcached, and Redis) as well as using your caching engine by implementing a simple CFML interface. You can find additional information on the Distributed Cache feature here.
ColdFusion 2018 Security Features
Auto Lockdown - You can now implement a one-click lockdown of your production server, that will systematically follow a lockdown guide, thus ensuring that all security measures are fail-safe and in compliance. After the lockdown has completed, the system will continue monitoring for potential breaches. You can find more information on this feature here.
Security Code Analyzer - Within ColdFusion Builder, you can now scan existing application code to detect vulnerability and potential security breaches. This will allow you to identify the type of vulnerability as well as the security level. Suggestions are then provided with advice on how to mitigate the vulnerabilities. You can see this in action with this short video provided by Adobe here.
ColdFusion 2018 Extended Services
Multitenancy Support - You can now maximize resource sharing by exposing API’s to multiple organizations on the same server. You can flag an organization as Private or Partner to control access by isolating their tenant space. You can then assign admins to an organization to provide the ability to manage and monitor individual tenancies.
Policy Management - You can now work to reduce errors while saving time by creating and attaching policies to API’s . Publishers will have the ability to change the behavior of API’s through configuration, by attaching policies for requests or responses.
Threat Protection - Developers can now safeguard API’s by attaching them to out-of-the-box policies such as content type restriction, XML threat protection, HTTP message Limits, etc… You can see an example of this in the video provided by Adobe here.
ColdFusion 2018 Development Features
Asynchronous Programming - Increase the performance of your principal application by offloading resource-intensive code sections to a secondary thread. Providing near real-time processing. To accomplish this, use the RUNASYNC function to execute code while avoiding the overhead of managing multiple threads. The ThreadPool is created on demand and can be scaled depending on load. Once the result is ready to be consumed a notification will be received. You can read more on this feature here.
REST Playground - Developers can now manage and create all REST services from a single application. With an intuitive UI, validating the accuracy of your API’s has never been easier. Developers can also make changes to REST API’s without having to restart the application. You can read more about this feature here.
Modern Admin UI - The ColdFusion Admin UI has been rebuilt into a single responsive web page architecture. Allowing admin tasks to be carried out faster and more efficiently. You can read more on this feature here.
CLI and Read-Eval-Print Loop - Developers can now work with files, email, databases, or invoke web services by executing CFM via the command line. Developers can execute the admin API from the command line to script ColdFusion server settings. The ability to test or learn cfml with REPL support in CLI is now present as well. You can read more on this feature here.
ColdFusion 2018 Deprecations
Listed below is a list of deprecated, unsupported, or removed features in ColdFusion 2018. You can find additional information on deprecated and removed features here.
Please Note: This list is exclusive to deprecations in ColdFusion 2018.
cfscript support for script-based CFCs, such as query and storedproc.
Service layer CFC’s webservices, such as pdfs and images.
Deprecated and Unsupported
cfindex’s attributes:
fieldBoostcfschedule’s attribute - requestTimeOut
Flash forms
Event gateway - Jabber, Flash Media Server
Server Manager
ColdFusion System Probes
cfchart - format flash
cffileupload Flash component
CORBA Integration
cfschedule - requestTimeOut attribute
cfcache - cachedirectory and timeout attributes
cfcollection - map and repair options of the action attribute
cferror - monitor option of the exception attribute
cffile - system value for attributes attribute, temporary value for attributes attribute
cfform - passthrough attribute, enableCAB attribute
cfftp - agentname attribute
cfgridupdate - connectString, dbName, dbServer, dbType, provider, and providerDSN attributes
cfinput - passthrough attribute
cfinsert - connectString, dbName, dbServer, dbType, provider, providerDSN attributes
cfldap - filterFile attribute
cflog - date, thread, and time attributes
cfquery - connectString, dbName, dbServer, provider, providerDSN, sql attributes. The following dbType attribute values: dynamic, ODBC, Oracle73, Oracle80, Sybase11, OLEDB, and DB2
cfsearch - external, language attributes
cfselect - passthrough attribute
cfslider - img, imgStyle, grooveColor, refreshLabel, tickmarkimages, tickmarklabels, tickmarkmajor, and tickmarkminor attributes
cfstoredproc = connectString, dbName, dbServer, dbtype, provider, and providerDSN attributes
cfupdate - connectString, dbName, dbServer, dbtype, provider, and providerDSN attributes
GetMetricData - cacheops parameter
Setlocale - locale="Spanish (Mexican)"
Server Monitor
Flex remoting
XML Forms
LCDS Integration
CORBA Integration
AIR Integration
cfslider, cftree, and cfgrid format = "applet"
cfpresentation for flash presentation
cfdocument for flashpaper
Coldfusion actionscript functions (CF.query, CF.http)